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  • Calorias: 
    48.10 kcal
  • Grasas: 
    0.17 gr
  • Hidratos Carbono: 
    10.20 gr
  • Potasio: 
    177 mg
  • Fibra: 
    1.58 gr
  • Magnesio: 
    7.9 mg
  • Calcio: 
    8.3 mg
  • Vitaminas: 
    9.61 mg
  • Proteinas: 
    0.63 mg


In the rosaceae family, the genus Prunus, the plum is a drupa of epidermis thin and smooth, coated with a whitish wax called bloom.
The skin color can vary from greenish yellow to red-violet. The mesocarp is meaty and with abundant juice, its color also varies from yellowish to reddish and depending on the variety, may be strongly adhered to the endocarp or divest with ease. The endocarp is lignified endocarp, leaving the seed protected on the inside of the bone.
In the varieties we grow Onubafruit Sun gold and black Beats mainly. In addition to its flavor, the plums are very appreciated for its high content in fiber, which helps to regulate the intestinal transit, its antioxidant properties and its vitamin content.

Nutritional Value

The black plum is very rich in anthocyanins that give its characteristic color purple. Anthocyanins are pigments wiht antioxidant property, prevent the production of free radicals. Antioxidants can block the free radicals that modify the 'bad cholesterol', helping to reduce cardiovascular risk and stroke. Exert therapeutic effects known to include the reduction of coronary artery disease, antitumor effects, anti-inflammatories and antidiabetics, in addition to the improvement of visual acuity and cognitive behavioral. One of the most significant properties of the plum is that, due to the content of fiber,stimulate the activity of the muscles in the colon which has a laxative effect.

Eating Plums 

Can be used to prepare jams, marmalades and jellies. May also be prepared sauces, sweet or bittersweet, which accompany pancakes, crepes or meats, especially hunting.